
Course terms and conditions

By booking onto one of our training courses you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions.

Terms and conditions of attendance

  1. The term 'course' refers to any training session organised by Garden House Hospice Care.
  2. If your course is virtual, please ensure you have a working camera and sound on your device as these will be required. Smart phones are not recommended when attending a course. Please ensure you are on mute when you join a session, unless otherwise requested.
  3. If you are attending a course in person at the Hospice, we ask that you take sensible precautions to reduce the risk of transmission of coronavirus, flu, colds and other viruses. If you feel unwell in any way or have tested positive for Covid, we ask that you do not attend and contact us on or on 01462 416788, so we can try to reschedule your course to another date.
  4. Due to the nature of the course, some delegates may draw from past experiences both professional and personal and some discussions may be emotionally difficult. Please ensure that any personal information discussed at a session always remains confidential and that we respect each other's thoughts and opinions.
  5. By registering for a course, you are agreeing that any official photographs and videos taken can be used in the promotion of this and future Garden House Hospice Care courses.

Training Cancellation Proposal

In advance of a full day’s training

For a face-to-face training event, if there are fewer than 6 staff booked on 3 working days in advance of the scheduled study session, the course will not run. It will be cancelled by the Learning and Development team, with the Facilitator(s), participants and venue notified.

See Appendix 1 for cancellation policy summary.

On the day of a full day’s training

If fewer than 4 members of staff attend the training on the day, the trainer/s will discuss and agree with participants whether to

  1. Continue with reduced number of facilitators if appropriate.
  2. Cancel or postpone the training.
  3. Go ahead with the training as planned.
  4. Offer a shorter session or alternative learning options if this is possible or appropriate.


Consideration must be given as to whether the attendees can return to their usual working role and/or make effective use of their time.

Consideration will also be given to the nature of the training and if reduced numbers will allow it to run effectively (e.g. consideration of type of training and focus on group work activities etc).


In advance of a short (up to 4 hours) session

If fewer than 8 staff are booked onto a virtual training session 3 working days in advance of the planned training date, the learning and development team will discuss with the course trainer/s and reserve the right to cancel or postpone the course. Participants will be notified of the alternative options e.g re-booking onto a future session.

On the day of a short (up to 4 hours) session

If on the day of the virtual training, fewer than 4 staff join the virtual training, the trainer/s will at their discretion consider the following options in discussion between the trainers, and with the participants who have joined:

  1. Cancelling the session completely and advising participants to re-book onto a future session, with course participants returning to their usual working role.


This is most likely to be appropriate if all the participants can resume their usual working duties to make effective use of their time. It may also be particularly applicable where group work is a key focus of the training and would not run effectively with fewer than 4 participants.


  1. Running a shorter condensed training session for the participants who have joined.


This may be considered appropriate when participants cannot easily resume their usual working duties and use their time effectively. It is also particularly appropriate where there are other alternative e-learning modules which the participants can complete to augment the shorter virtual training session, and where there is not a strong component of group work required.


  1. Offering a tailored shorter session with 1 trainer for any participants who cannot easily resume their usual working duties or make effective use of their time.


This option would not replace the full training but would offer a chance to discuss or problem solve any issues related to the training. In addition to this, the staff member would be encouraged to re-book onto a later training session.


Appendix 1

East & North Herts Training Collaborative Cancellation Policy


Number of days in advance of training

Charges for cancellation

Three working days

Alternative date offered, with priority to attend.

No refund offered.

Between 7 and 30 days in advance of training

Alternative date offered, with priority to attend.

If unable to attend offered date, refund available.

Over 30 days

Refund available

NB: The above relates to days up to but not including the day of training itself.

Last updated: November 2023