Professional referrals
Our professional referral form can be largely auto-completed through Ardens or SystmOne to access any of our services.
There are multiple ways we can support patients, through a range of free to access services. GPs and other healthcare professionals can use our professional referral form, which can be largely auto-completed through the communications and letters tab in Ardens or SystmOne, to access any of our services - just tick the relevant box on page two of the form and provide us with some information about your patient.
Here's our guide to who, why and where to refer:
Family Support Service
Anyone can be referred for pre- and post-bereavement counselling for patients and families (including children) and carers.
Hospice at Home
Refer patients with life-limiting illnesses who need care in their own home in the last weeks or days of life, offering hands-on nursing care.
Inpatient Unit
For patients who would benefit from expert care for physical, emotional and psychological symptom control and in the last days of life.
Rehab and Wellbeing
Patients who are well enough to be in their own homes but are in need of physical, emotional, social, financial or spiritual support can be referred or self-refer to our services.
External referrals
Community CNS Review
You can use the professional referral form to refer to the Specialist Palliative Care Service run by Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust, who visit patients at home or in nurse led clinics. Their team is made up of highly trained professionals including Clinical Nurse Specialists, doctors, a psychologist, and administrative staff. They see patients who have complex needs and undertake a holistic assessment, offering specialist intervention and expertise. They provide a high level of clinical decision making and offer a management plan to address identified needs.
Outpatient Assessment
The medical team offer outpatient clinic assessments for patients with complex medical symptoms who require specialist advice. An assessment may also include discussion of Advance Care Planning and signposting to other services. Please fill in as much detail as possible on the referral form so appointments can be triaged appropriately.
Hospital Inpatient Assessment
The referral form can also be used to highlight patients to the Lister Hospital Palliative Care Team who have been admitted and may be in need of specialist palliative care.
24-hour advice line
Our palliative care advice line is open 24 hours a day. The helpline is for healthcare professionals as well as patients and carers, giving direct access to nurses with experience in palliative care who can offer advice and support or guide you to other appropriate agencies. If medical advice is needed, our nurses can speak to our team of doctors.