In the community
Caring for you in the comfort of your own home, support for care homes and reaching community members earlier in diagnosis.
Hospice at Home
We understand the importance of staying at home when you're faced with a life-limiting illness. Our community nurses and healthcare assistants provide specialist care and symptom management, guidance and advice. They will also provide support and a listening ear to your family, carers and any other loved ones at home.
Care home support
Our specialist team of Frailty Nurses work closely with local care, nursing and learning disability homes. If you or a loved one is a resident and showing signs of frailty, we will liaise with you/them, the family and carers around future care wishes, putting in place an individualised Advanced Care Plan. Professional support and training is also offered to care home staff.
Community hubs
Our community wellbeing hubs provide a friendly and welcoming space in the heart of the community, enabling you to live well with your diagnosis. Join us for a seated exercise group, a cup of tea and a chat, time to talk and be listened to by our team members, information about our services and fun activities that promote health and wellbeing.
Compassionate Neighbours
If you, or someone you know, are living with a life-limiting illness, are elderly or frail and/or are experiencing loneliness or isolation, you could access social and emotional support from a volunteer Compassionate Neighbour. They provide support by visiting regularly, offering friendship and a listening ear, helping you do the things you enjoy and more.
Schools, colleges & youth outreach
In order for our work to be sustained by the community, we need to educate, inform and learn from others. By educating our future generations of young people about modern day hospice care, we aim to remove the stigma and barriers around talking about death and dying. Groups of children visit the Hospice and we can give curriculum linked lessons, talks and assemblies.
Sheila & Derek's story
Sheila, who has Motor Neurone Disease, and her husband Derek have benefitted from a number of our services since her diagnosis.