Dementia care
We provide dementia support and advice, guidance and training to carers, families and those living with dementia.
When someone you love has dementia, it can feel overwhelming and challenging at times. Our Admiral Nurse, Lucy, is based at Garden House Hospice Care three days a week and provides dementia support, guidance and training to carers, families and those living with symptoms. Our services is available for people approaching the end of their life and/or demonstrating a high level of distress and poor physical/mental health, leading to a decrease in wellbeing.
We also provide advice to family members and carers who have a limited understanding of dementia, difficulty coping, or poor dynamics which have a negative impact on wellbeing, caregiving and relationships.
What is an Admiral Nurse?
Admiral Nurses are registered nurses who specialise in dementia care, working with families, carers and people affected by dementia. The support they can provide includes:
- Advice and emotional support for family carers
- Support to other healthcare professionals
- Specialist advice and support on palliative and end of life needs of people living with dementia
- Advance care planning and best interest decisions
- Psychosocial interventions to families e.g. education, anxiety management and coping mechanisms
- Support to carers and people with dementia anticipating grief and loss and post-bereavement
- Access and referral links to other services and organisations, such as the family support team and complementary therapy.
What is the referral criteria?
- The person living with dementia is in their last year of life.
- The family carer who cares for a person with dementia requires support as there are unresolved, complex needs that cannot be met by the current caring team.
- The person with dementia must be registered with a GP within the geographical catchment area of Garden House Hospice Care - communities in North Hertfordshire, Stevenage and surrounding towns and villages of Central Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire.
How to make a referral
Please call Lucy to discuss any referrals and for support and advice. Anyone can refer or be referred to the Admiral Nurse as long as the referral criteria is met.
Lucy Cosgrove
07377 876257
Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 9am-5pm
Healthy Memory Café
Our Healthy Memory Café is a weekly drop-in session for anyone living with dementia or who is worried about their memory to come along with a family member or their carer in a safe and relaxed environment. The café is varied with weekly activities that may include information talks, reminiscence, playing suitable games, seated exercise and music.
Drop in for a cuppa, a chat, information and support, every Thursday at the Hospice from 10am to 12 noon.
Additional support
Dementia UK Admiral Nurse Helpline
0800 888 6678
Monday to Friday, 9am-9pm
"I hope to make a difference not only by improving the care that is provided, but by supporting and empowering the families and carers of the person living with dementia by looking after their wellbeing. If they aren't well, they can't care for their partner, relative or friend who has dementia."
- Lucy Cosgrove, Admiral Nurse