
Give people their lives back with a regular gift

The Frailty Service was launched without any financial support from the NHS - instead, the £300,000 it cost was raised entirely by our community. From individuals donating during the Big Give, trusts providing grants, companies pledging gifts and community organisations clubbing together to make a donation, we have been overwhelmed by the wealth of support from everyone who has made this service a possibility. Thank you.

Due to the success of our first three months, we will invest in the Frailty Service in 2024/25. It will become part of the ‘business as usual’ at Garden House Hospice Care and we will continue to develop the service with some exciting projects on the horizon. That means our annual running costs are rising, growing from £6.4m to £7.7m. Excluding the funding the NHS give us, we need to raise £15,300 day - up from £9,700 last year.

Carla Pilsworth is our Director of Income Generation:

“The outcome from our Frailty Service is so overwhelmingly positive it is now critical we merge this into the ‘day to day’ here at the Hospice. It has set us off in a positive direction for the future, which is the right move for our patients, their loved ones and for the wider community. We know this puts us under pressure to raise more money, but we will rise to the challenge and look forward to working with our community to make our vision a reality.”

Our Frailty Service is giving people their lives back, and with a regular donation, you will be too.

One way to support the Frailty Service and all the people benefitting from it is to set up a regular donation. You can choose a donation of any size to suit your budget and it means we can plan ahead with more confidence.

During the course of a year, just £4 per month could pay for a visit to someone’s home, identifying how we can help them and setting the plan in motion. £10 per month could pay for six whole hours of the care we give people with frailty on the Inpatient Unit.

Make a regular donation