
Open House - Spring 2023

The Spring edition of our Open House newsletter is out now.

Until you need a hospice, lots of people have no idea what really goes on inside one - let alone outside one! Open House is one of the ways we break down barriers.

In this edition, you can hear from our new Chief Executive, Lisa Hunt, and learn more about a new class run by our physiotherapists that offers multiple health benefits.

Also in this edition:

  • Sheila and Derek's story, which shows how much people can gain from the range of services we have
  • The important work of our schools and young people co-ordinator, Susannah
  • Our new social worker, Jenny, and the breadth of the important, supportive work she does
  • Connect Corporate Networking - our new business networking group for companies of all sizes
  • Members of our local community who will be taking on Muddy Mayhem in March

...and much, much more!