Compassionate Neighbours
Compassionate Neighbours are matched with a member of the community, providing them social and emotional support.
Compassionate Neighbours
What you can expect…
Can you spare an hour a week to make a real difference in someone's life? Compassionate Neighbours are trained volunteers who are matched with a member of the community based on their interests and hobbies.
How you can help…
Offering regular visits, companionship, emotional support and a listening ear, you can help someone struggling with social isolation or loneliness to do the things they enjoy doing and stay connected to their community, family and friends.
Next steps…
To complete a volunteer application form, please click on the 'Apply now' button. If you are unable to access the internet, you can call the Volunteer Engagement Team on 01462 679540 (option 6). Once we have received your application, we'll invite you to attend a Compassionate Neighbours Introductory Day here at the Hospice. The next dates are:
- Wednesday 26th March
Wednesday 14th May
Wednesday 9th July
Wednesday 24th September
Wednesday 26th November
Where? The Ernest Gardiner Treatment Centre, Pearsall Close, Letchworth, SG6 1QZ
When? 9.30am - 4.30pm
After completing your training you will officially become a Compassionate Neighbour and our team will work to match you with a community member based on common interests and hobbies. By offering regular visits, companionship, emotional support and a listening ear, you will help them do the things they like doing and stay connected to their community, family and friends.